i keep a special sketchbook given to me long ago containing work from a very unfinished series. i hope to finish it someday, and perhaps even share it.
i recently flipped open to this one though, and in lieu of the inordinate amounts of "horror" drawings i've been working on, i felt this would be fun to share.
Wow. She's really sweet-looking, Peter. I really like this, quite a bit... I actually missed it in my reader all this time, because it just seemed so different than some of your stuff, I didn't realize it was yours.
It's absolutely great. She kind of...stays with you.
i hope this blog will be like getting an EP or a 7" single from a good band. some of it is experimental self indulgence, some of it is ambitious failure, and some may be weaker than you care to admit, but whenever there's that glorious B-side that no one else but you will ever hear, it's a wondrous inclusive experience of coveted secrecy and lofty excitement.
i'm not guaranteeing you'll find it here, but i hope there's something of interest that resonates a chord inside on occasion.
don't forget the full-length "LP" can always be found at peterwonsowski.com
Wow. She's really sweet-looking, Peter. I really like this, quite a bit... I actually missed it in my reader all this time, because it just seemed so different than some of your stuff, I didn't realize it was yours.
It's absolutely great. She kind of...stays with you.
wow thank you so much Randall!
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