everybody wanted this one!!! not for sale just yet though...be sure to see more at Doug's website (click on his name!). Doug had incredible artwork, including hand made screenprints that were of such high quality we all thought they were digital print outs
Danielle is a great person and a great artist who has been doing cool things at a lot of galleries all over these united states. her oil paintings show not only a dedication to the craft, but also very fun plays of imagery that is surreal in a most likable way. her pieces for this show included 2 oil-on-magnet paintings, with magnet paintings that she encouraged you to remove and move about and see what was behind it. pretty cool
good ol' Chris Whetzel, what a guy! here he is starting to hang his pieces, which you should check out (and so much more) HERE. Chris had such thoughtful graphite drawings with occasional subtle coloring. incredibly strong stuff, and every one tugs at the heart strings (except for the chicken, which made me laugh quite hard). Chris is one of the hardest working people i know, and his gutsy leap into the world of freelance illustration (as well as these gallery shows he takes part in, or in this case, sets up completely) has been one of the largest sources of encouragement and inspiration to me in the last year. both he and Aliyah were so incredibly hospitable letting me stay with them this weekend, not to mention the ridiculous amount of fun i always have seeing them and talking to them. speaking of which, you will al absolutely love seeing Aliyah's jewelry HERE. honestly, the word "jewelry" won't give a good enough impression to the incredible skill, detail and artistry that every single one of her creations have. frankly they are all museum pieces to me!
my little corner of the world.
thanks to Chris, Aliyah, and Zuzu's cafe for making this happen and getting all of us together, to Doug and Danielle for sharing a wall and some good times, and everyone else i met and saw again (happy birthday Michelle!) this incredible weekend
1 comment:
Aw thanks for the shoutout, and the efantastically horrible photo of me. May as well put bolts in my neck. "Derrr..."
Word Verification: "hygrate"
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